Timári István kollégánk kérésére tesszük közzé az alábbi érdekes, innovatív formátumú online szakmai eseményt:
Dear magnetic resonance enthusiasts,
Building on the last year’s success, Global NMR Discussion Meetings will conduct the second annual Twitter Conference this summer, from July 19-21, on the development and application of magnetic resonance, to provide opportunities to all interested students, postdocs, and researchers to present their work, facilitate open discussions, and promote networking across the wider magnetic resonance community. The Twitter conference will be fully online and will last three days, allowing participants to freely engage with one another. Access is completely free and open to everyone! There are no travel or registration costs. The conference is generously supported by the International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR), Bruker, JEOL, and, Phoenix NMR, and Bridge12 Technologies, Inc.
We invite participants to upload a short (2-minute) video or a poster to present their work. Innovative formats and high quality work will be recognized with prizes. Creative, easy to understand presentations in the form of short videos are highly encouraged. You may search #GlobalnmrTC2022 on Twitter to view posts from last year.
Titles and abstracts of registered participants will be made available on our website (https://www.globalnmr.org) and organized into subtopics, along with links to the Twitter threads. Audience members and presenters will also be able to find posts related to the Twitter conference via the hashtag #GlobalnmrTC2023.
How will this work?
- Register before July 7, 2023 to present (https://forms.gle/DcRFrsnMQEp5Yi638). All are welcome to register, however only undergraduates, graduates, and postdoc registrants will be eligible for prizes.
- At the start of the conference, tweet your presentation with a title and the hashtag #GlobalnmrTC2023. Stay tuned for more instructions and suggestions regarding presentation formats!
- Discuss and engage during the three-day conference (July 19-21, 2023) by commenting and responding to comments, and by retweeting presentations.
- Win prizes including for best presentations, most creative presentation format, etc.
Upon registration, participants acknowledge
- All content shall be posted on Twitter, and consequently all presentations can be viewed by anyone on the internet
- Global NMR Discussion Meetings has the rights to share the uploaded presentations on Twitter, YouTube, or the Global NMR website.
We look forward to receiving your registrations!
Best Regards,
Global NMR Discussion Meetings
Twitter conference organizers:
Adrian Draney (Creighton University)
Amrit Venkatesh (NHMFL)
Asif Equbal (NYU, Abu Dhabi)
Blake Wilson (NIH)
Mouzhe Xie (University of Chicago)
Nesreen Elathram (University of California, San Diego)
Nikita Rao (Indian Institute of Science)
Tomoyuki Hamachi (Kyushu University)
Yifan Song (Zhejiang University)
Organizers of Global NMR:
Adrian Draney (Creighton University) (Treasurer)
Amrit Venkatesh (NHMFL) (President)
Asif Equbal (NYU, Abu Dhabi) (Secretary)
Blake Wilson (NIH)
Michael Hope (EPFL)
Mouzhe Xie (University of Chicago)
Nino Wili (Aarhus University)
Tamar Wolf (Weizmann Institute of Science)